Dive into the enchanting collection of books cherished by our beloved mother, Silvi. These literary treasures are not just volumes of knowledge but the wellspring of inspiration that fuels the heartfelt messages within each birthday card.
Embrace the wisdom, embrace the magic – it's time to explore the pages that weave the tales for your next chapter.

J. Rafael, 1992
Globaal horoskoopia
What a fantastic exploration of horoscopes! Every read opens the door to new connections, insights, and discoveries. There's always something new to uncover and analyze. How many nuances are there, and is it even worth delving into why one time you see something clearly, and another time it's something entirely different?
The more precisely you get to know yourself and understand those around you, the easier it becomes to adapt to your life, work, and relationships.

J. Rafael, 1993
POP Numeroloogia
A superb book with a simple and logically presented introduction to the mysterious world of numbers. So much to discover, so many possibilities for different connections.
What a magical realm unfolds about a person's name, its numerical significance, messages, and possibilities.

D. Kovan, 2008
Numeroloogia saladusi
The enchanting world of numbers, with so many fascinating connections. The unfolding world is either the exciting beginning of a captivating story or a confusing realm that one might hesitate to delve into further.
I sought continuation, wanting to know more and delve deeper.

David A. Phillips, 2016
Põhjalikult numeroloogiast
Just as stated on the book cover, this book allows you to discover your inner self. Yes, it takes time and requires focus, but the result is worth it.
Thanks to this book, many relationships in my life found their places, along with understandings and insights into why certain things happened. How much of what happens is truly within our control, and how much better it is to master it before hindsight wisdom kicks in.

Johanna Paungger, Thomas Poppe, 2012
Sünnikoodi saladus
Wow, what a world unfolds when reading this book! It's so exciting to bring out the knowledge gained here onto your cards, yes, the ones that have resonated with me and stayed in my memory. There's always something new to discover every time I read this book again.
This is a book that every parent should read. It makes understanding the growth of our little ones so much easier and allows us to be understanding partners in their journey.

Nebadon, 2005
Numeroloogia käsiraamat
A book that requires time for both reading and the necessary analysis to understand. Delving into it unveils the reasons behind past events and, to some extent, allows predictions about future occurrences.
An exciting adventure, indeed!

Rodford Barrat, 2005
Elu numbrid
Numbers speak volumes, and this eloquence is nicely justified with examples. Such connections can also be developed by analyzing the desired numbers.

Timo Reinpal
Numeroloogiline mandala
A well-compiled book about numbers in a slightly different light. The freshest book for me, and largely still in the discovery phase. One learns throughout life!
